Local Scholarships
See Mrs. Cruise if you have questions.
Olson/Wolf Loan Program - For more information on this follow this link. There are different deadlines and steps that need to followed correctly. https://www.boonecentral.org/Page/88
Albion American Legion Riders Post 162 - Albion American Legion Riders Post 162 Scholarship.docx
Albion Area Arts Council - This scholarship is available to High School Seniors in all Public and Parochial schools in Albion, Elgin, Cedar Rapids, Fullerton, Lindsay, Newman Grove, St. Edward, and Spalding. The amount will vary depending upon the availability of funds. To be eligible the applicant must have displayed excellence in music, art, speech/drama, or creative writing while in high school. Preference will be give to those majoring or minoring in some aspect of the Fine Arts or Fine Arts education. ***You must devote a paragraph to answering questions 3, 4, and 5. Albion Area Arts Council Scholarship.docx
American Legion Auxiliary - This scholarship is for girls only and has a military tie to it. Legion Auxiliary.doc
American Legion Crosier Post 226 - This scholarship is for boys only. Amlegion.doc
American Red Cross - American Red Cross Scholarship.docx
Bill Sorensen Memorial Scholarship Bill Sorensen Memorial Scholarship.doc
Bob McCarty Memorial Scholarship Bob McCarty Memorial Scholarship.doc
Boone and Nance County Cattlemen's Scholarship - This scholarship is due January 15. Boone and Nance County Cattelmen's Scholarship.docx
Boone County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Applicants must be members of Boone County Farm Bureau. Two $500 scholarships will be awarded. The student's immediate family must have a currently paid Boone County Farm Bureau membership. Applications can be found at the Farm Bureau website: https://nefbfoundation.org/county-scholarships
Boosterclub Scholarship - Applicants must have participated in activities during High School. Boosterclub.doc
Central Valley Ag - 20 $1000 Scholarships available to students seeing Ag degrees. Apply online at cvacoop.com/careers
Chester and Beulah Fredericks Scholarship - Applicants must be active members of the United Methodist Church and be majoring in a field other than education. Chester and Beulah Fredericks Scholarship.doc
Cloverlodge Care Center Cloverlodge Care Center.doc
Cornerstone Bank - Cornerstone Bank Scholarship -
FCCLA Alumni Scholarship - Applicants must be members of FCCLA. FCCLA.doc
FFA Alumni Scholarship FFA Alumni.doc
Flaherty Memorial Scholarship Flaherty.doc
Gaylene Chana FFA Memorial Scholarship Chana FFA Memorial.doc
Leonard and Audrey Cumming Memorial Scholarship - Cumming Memorial.doc
Karen Werner Weed Memorial Scholarship - This scholarship will be applied towards tuition. Karen Werner Weed Memorial Scholarship.doc
Knights of Columbus Scholarships Knights of Columbus.doc
Mary Ellen Wieland Memorial Scholarship - Applicants must be members of the United Methodist Church and planning to major in education. Mary Ellen Wieland.doc
Marilyn Nissen Nursing Scholarship - This scholarship is for seniors in the surrounding communities who are planning on majoring in nursing. 2023 Marilyn Nissen Nursing Scholarship Application.xlsx
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women - For Catholic girls from St. Edward Catholic Church. See Mrs. Cruise for a scholarship application.
PEO Chapter DV Scholarship - This scholarship is for girls. Application not available for 2023.
St. Edward Alumni Scholarship St. Edward Alumni Scholarship.doc
St. Edward Education Association Scholarship St. Edward Education Association.doc